
U7 - Discovery Program
The U7 - Discovery program is for brand new players who are 4 years old (or older). The Discovery players learn to skate in full hockey equipment and work on basic hockey skills throughout the season. Players have one 60 minute ice time on the weekend and it is usually on the same day, same time and at the same place. Discovery players do not play formal games.
U7 - Junior Timbits
The U7 - Junior Timbits program is designed for newer hockey players who are 5 years old (or older). A child can register in Junior Timbits even if they have not participated in the Discovery program. These players may already possess the ability to skate wearing full hockey equipment. Junior Timbits are introduced to technical hockey skills in a fun environment, but do not play formal games throughout the season. The focus in Junior Timbits is on player development in forward and backward skating, stopping, puck handling, and an introduction to hockey. Sessions occur on the weekends (once per week), with each session being 60 minutes in length.
U7 - Senior Timbits
The U7 - Senior Timbits program is designed for children who are 6 years old. A child can register in Senior Timbits even if they have not participated in Discovery or Junior Timbits. This program focuses on player development in foward and backward skating, stopping, puck handling, and an introduction to hockey. Games in this division are non-competitive with no score kept. The emphasis is on skating and learning basic hockey skills with an introduction to team building. Sessions will occur on the weekends (twice per week), with each session being 60 minutes in length. There are two weekly sessions (1-Skill Development Session and 1-Small Area Game Session) usually held on Saturday's and Sunday's.
The U7 season starts in October and finishes in March. All levels of U7 have the opportunity to participate in the Fall Festival in December and the Winter Jamboree in March. Tim Hortons provides socks and participation medals every year and jerseys every second year. Registration for U7 is ongoing throughout the year.
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Please visit Hockey Edmonton for more information on the U7 program.

Mailing Address
PO Box 65532
RPO Hollick Kenyon
Edmonton, AB
T5Y 0M5
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